My name is Maud Stiller, and I run Ateljé Gamla Huset, which is a world of craftsmanship and interior design with a country feel, and lovely paintings with a dreamy feel..
To me, beautiful things are something that gives everyday life meaning. When I paint, whether it is a painting or a candlestick, it is to express my own aesthetics. Something that is born out of all the nice, strong little things in life. The things that make you happy!
I have my studio in a cozy decorated red 19th century cottage in the village Holmestad outside Götene, near Västra Götaland's most beautiful mountain Kinnekulle. There I and my studio cat Stina work together, with the help of my husband Janne who takes care of the carpentry. The tradition of having a studio cat as an employee goes back at least 20 years, as I have always had cats who were happy to help me paint. If only with nice company, and then preferably in front of the fireplace in the winters!
Under sommarmånaderna och runt jul brukar du kunna hitta mig på hantverksmässor runt om i Sverige, bland annat på den stora Slöjdmässan i Hjo and Båstad under sommaren. Några julmässor jag gärna ställer ut på är Mårbacka and Koberg. Nu under Covid-19 arbetar jag som så många andra mest hemifrån, men du kan hitta mitt hantverk i utvalda butiker i Sverige. Du vet väl att du också kan beställa direkt av mig? Ring, smsa eller maila mig!
Välkomna att kontakta mig för beställningar eller för att komma och hälsa på!
Jag älskar mitt blå ÄNGLASKÅP!!!